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Cathay Amateur Radio Club

Selected Repeater Frequencies for the San Francisco Bay Area

Frequency PL Offset Call Sponsor Location
145.230 100.0 - N6NFI SPARK Palo Alto
145.270 100.0 - W6ASH SPECS Mt. View
145.330 100.0 - K6POU K6POU Mt. Diablo
145.450 100.0 - K6FB LCARC Los Gatos
146.385 114.8 + W6UU SCCARA San Jose
146.760 151.4 - WB6OQS SCVRS San Jose
147.210 100.0 + WB6TCS NARCC Oakland Hills

  1. Frequency is repeater output frequency in MHz
  2. PL is the Motorola trademarked name for the CTCSS tone frequency in Hz
  3. Offset: Add (+) or subtract (-) 600 kHz from the repeater output frequency to get the repeater input frequency

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